The Merrie Monarch is a non-profit organization that began 46 years ago. This week event is taking place in Hilo(Hawaii also known as Big Island).
With its emphasis on hula, chant, Hawaiian language, and arts, the Merrie Monarch Festival has strived to contribute to the public's growing awareness of Hawaiian culture.
King David Kalâkaua was instrumental in reviving the hula during his reign.By perpetuating the traditional hula and chants, the people honor the Merrie Monarch himself.
After having watched the video clip of the 2005 Merrie Monarch, these inspired words from the Psalm came to mind: "Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence." (Ps. 16:10)
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Lent is coming (that's right; a month from now we will be in full-on Lent
mode), and that means Lenten retreats and suchlike. Your favorite
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